Dr Michelle Copeland - Dental Whitener

Dental Whitener
How it works: Brightens teeth at least three shades within seven days, using mint-flavored hydrogen peroxide gel � just like the dentist! Easy to use � soft, flexible and disposable trays fit snuggly to teeth for full coveragePatented formula ensures great results within seven days
How to use it: Simply place the soft, pre-filled trays in your mouth for 15 minutes. No need to clean or boil mouthpieces, mess with syringes, measure gels or use special toothpastes or rinses. By using two trays, you can whiten your upper and lower teeth at the same time. Avoid staining food and beverages such as tobacco products, red wine, caffeine or chocolate for a few hours.
I have been using this kit for 5 days now. Ever morning I place a pre-filled tray on the bottom and top teeth.
You can use these for 15 or 30 minutes. I leave them in for the whole 30 minutes. They fit in my mouth comfortably and do not
move around. I tried these for 5 days to see how much whiter my teeth would get, and I am amazed by the results!
My coffee stained teeth look nice and pearly white. I also must say that I have not had any sensitivity after using these as
I do with other whitening products. I really do like this dental whitener and am now saving the remaining trays for when my teeth look like
they have had to much coffee on them!
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