Blo & Go hands free hairdryer holder and styling tool

BLO & GO is the revolutionary styling tool providing a salon blown-out look at home. With the flick of a lever, simply grip BLO & GO� to your mirror or almost any flat surface. BLO & GO� frees up your hands from holding the dryer, allowing two hands to style your hair. It holds most size blow dryers, is lightweight, flexible, portable and easy to use!

This review is out of excitement-
This is about the best thing I have in my bathroom right now. It is easy to put together. I did it and didn't need my husband help. I have it on my mirror. It is really nice how I can actually style my hair. I am one that will not do the back of my hair, simply because I can't see it and after awhile my hands start to hurt because of the different postilions I have them, trying to style my hair. There are three mirrors in my bathroom, two vanity and on closet. How many times have I tried to see what I am doing with these three mirrors, while holding the blow dryer and brush and couldn't because I only have two hands. Now I direct the Blo & Go where I want it so I can see myself styling my hair, front and back and I am able to use both hands to style my hair.
That is one reason I love this, another is when I blow dry my hair, I look like pro. I can pick up my hair with my brush and or blow dryer. After watching my hair styled so many times, I had wished that I could do it myself. Now I can. I can make up my hair in so many great looks, with the curling brush for beautiful curls and to have it straight without using the iron. Because I have so much control now.
I can't wait till my next night out, my hair will look like I went to the stylist to have it done and I can show off how great it looks and tell them I did it with the Blo & Go.
I have tried both of my dryers and they fit in with ease.
My hair looks amazing because of the Blo & Go. It looks complete and finished. And the back is styled also.
The Blow and Go is so recommend by me. I cannot live without this now.

By the Blo & Go at


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