StriVectin NE

StriVectin�-NE NanoExfoliant
The skin on the back of your hands is not the same as the skin on your face� the texture is thicker, tougher and "looser" because of constant flexing, bending and exposure to both physical and environmental damage. Because the skin on the back of your hands is "different," Klein-Becker research has focused its efforts on developing specific formulations designed to improve the appearance of the hands' unique geometric skin structure and texture. StriVectin�-NE Self-Heating NanoExfoliant For The Hands� has a molecular weight perfectly suited to help increase cellular turnover and improve the appearance of surface tension and overall clarity while delivering optimal hydration and elasticity. Our thermo-active NanoExfoliating technology delivers substantial dermabrasive properties without causing lasting redness or damaging the skin. In fact, because StriVectin-NE Self-Heating NanoExfoliant For The Hands was developed specifically for the skin on the back of the hands, it can be used every 2-3 days or as often as necessary (depending on how "age ravaged" your hands look and feel). Users report significant improvement in hand texture, tone and overall clarity after the very first application

You really don't realize it but your hands can really tell you age. And I was so happy to be able to try this. I am in my early 40's and can notice some aging with my hands and because I am obsessive about washing them they are very dry.
I have used this for a couple of weeks. I could really see a difference in the look of my hands after the first couple uses. I love how it feels and fun and how easy it is to use.
The look and feel of my hands have improved and the age spots that I had, have really lighten up. My hands look better and look actually younger and the skin tone of my hands have really even out. They use to be dry and red and now the skin is even and really softer now too. Love this product and recommend us aging ladies to try it.

To buy this click here at StriVectin


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